Echo Lake Community invites all of our residents to our Halloween party. On Saturday Oct 30th at 2pm, we start with trunk or treat in the community center parking area. This part of the event will run to 4pm. Register to do this by emailing Tabatha at You can decorate your vehicle and hand out treats to trick or treaters. Please spread the word to our neighborhood kids to stop by for some treats!
This year we will also have a taco food truck serving free food from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. We will provide deserts and drinks too. We will also have a costume contest for adults and children. There will be kids games, crafts, pumpkin carving and decorating, a photo scene and prizes. We will have a bonfire as well. This will be an outdoor event, but the clubhouse bathrooms will be open.
We will see you there if you dare!